About Us樂頤故事

>About Us
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The word “LaClé” means “key” in French. We hope to offer you a place like home, where to start your journey.
【 樂 】/ lè / It means “joy” in Chinese. We hope you have joyous experience in your journey.
【 頤 】/ yí / It means peace of mind and self-discovery.
Home is where one starts from and returns to.

To explore one’s self through travel, and to enjoy the atmosphere and culture of different cities.
However, in the end one can realize, every step in the journey is given a meaning for getting closer on the way back home.
Instead of being just a place to stay, home is the outset for life, and it makes each journey unforgettable.

LaClé warms you with homelike atmosphere on your days of travel.
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